Christmas Bubble Light & Spinner -

Christmas Bubble Light & Spinner

Greg Cosimini
Views: 1097
Like: 7
Old style Christmas ornaments that are actually brand new


  1. I remember our neighbors, an old couple probably in their 60's back in the early 1970's, had us over for Christmas, I think I was about 10 or 12, and was mesmerized by the spinners they had. They looked like these, NOT the red or pink plastic ones. Theirs looked chrome or gold… I searched ebay and could only find some of the red/pink ones. Is there a better way to find these? maybe I'm not using the proper search terms… anybody?

  2. I INHERITED five 've of these front m my Grandmother. I remember in the sixties sitting in front of her tree watching the spinners spinning, and the bubble lights bubbling.

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