Figma Loading Spinner Animation | Interactive Components
Chinsk Design
Views: 11115
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In this tutorial, I will show you how to create Loading Spinner Animation with Figma Interactive Components. Also, you will learn how to use Frames, Groups, Multiple Components, Variants, Prototype and Smart Animate.
In this video I show you:
00:00 Loading Spinner UI Design
03:07 Create Groups
03:25 Duplicate
03:50 Frame Selection
05:19 Create Multiple Components
05:30 Combine as Variants
06:12 Prototype
Watch my others Figma Interactive Components tutorials:
Web Design Landing Page:
Animated Liquid Switch:
Hover Effect Button:
Search Bar (Keyboard Input Animation):
Loading Animation:
Interactive Star Rating:
Interactive Slider:
Interactive Floating Action Button (FAB):
Interactive Hamburger Menu:
Interactive Button:
Radio Buttons:
Dropdown Menu:
Input Fields:
Progress Bar:
Toggle Switch Button:
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